
Friday, April 13, 2012


Apologies again. I try to put something up on the blog at least once a month so you don't forget about me, but this semester has been absolutely insane. But I have a few reflections in the works to be published when possible:
  • Reflecting on General Conference, which is the only body that speaks for The United Methodist Church and meets every four years. I will be going with a seminary class and volunteering with OnFire, the young adult chapter of MFSA.
  • Celebrating the powerful experience that was praising orgasms and reclaiming our vaginas and declaring "I'm so over rape" under the cross in Craig Chapel at Drew Theological School for our seminary performance of Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues.
  • Naming the conflict for me that is loving this community at Drew Theological School and knowing my real home is with Aaron and the rest of my family. I have felt the pull with Bosnia as well. So I really want to meditate on the meaning of home a bit as I look forward to sleeping in the same bed for a whole year when I move into my parsonnage.
  • Exploring the meaning of movement and repose...

So stay tuned. In the meantime, here is a photo I took on a sunset flight with Aaron over the Chesapeake Bay. We all need the peace of sunset sometimes.