This sermon was preached on Epiphany at Presbury United Methodist Church.
Matthew 2:1-12 (NRSV)
the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea,
wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the
child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at
its rising, and have come to pay him homage.” When King Herod heard
this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him; and calling
together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired
of them where the Messiah was to be born. They told him, “In
Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written by the prophet: ‘And
you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the
rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd
my people Israel.’” Then Herod secretly called for the wise men
and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared. Then
he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for
the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may
also go and pay him homage.”
they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went
the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the
place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped,
they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the
child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage.
Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold,
frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to
return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.
week we skipped ahead to when Joseph, Mary, and Jesus escaped King
Herod's vicious and evil plan to kill Jesus. We spoke of dreams---
and we see in our scripture today that the wise men were dreamers
too--- and we spoke of the need to pay attention to dreams. The theme
of paying attention is one we can link with this story too, the story
of Epiphany, when the wise men come bearing gifts for Jesus. This is
a story most of us have heard many times before, yet how often do we
ourselves actually look up to see how God is speaking to us?
as we look to hear God speaking to us anew today, let us first pray:
teacher, you awoke people in the East with the brightness of a star,
and stirred something within them, sending them into the unknown in
search of you.
us up, stir something within us, and send us into the unknown today
the words of my mouth and the meditations of all our hearts. Amen.
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Photo by Aaron Harrington |
few years ago I got Aaron a telescope for Christmas. We set the
telescope up, found a map of the stars, and began gazing. Now, most
of the time, I stood outside hoping Aaron would hurry up and get
tired of the night sky because it was Christmas time and it was cold
outside. But then I saw Venus, a big bright star sitting up on the
horizon, and then Jupiter surrounded by moons, and then Saturn
crowned with rings and everything, and then the moon, so close I
could see all it's dimple-like craters. I still didn't like standing
around in the cold, but it was pretty cool to see the majesty of the
heavens so close it was as though I could reach out and put my
fingers in those moon dimples. And when the telescope wasn't set up,
I would still find myself looking up at night, lost in the twinkling,
in the wonder.
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Saturn (photo by Aaron Harrington) |
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The Moon (photo by Aaron Harrington) |
we moved here, it is harder to use the telescope with all the lights
on the street. To really get some good star-gazing in, you have to go
to places called dark sky locations, basically areas far from the
light pollution not just of cities but of towns too. On the East
Coast, dark sky locations are basically non-existent. So here, living
in a neighborhood that is never completely dark, the stars are not as
potent with light. Some get lost in the flood of streetlight, making
the sky seem faded almost. So, I stopped paying as much attention.
When I take the dog out, I find myself pulling my coat tighter around
me and keep my head down, focusing on the sidewalk rather than the
tapestry of the cosmos above me that is magnificent despite the
slight fading caused by light pollution.
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Map of light pollution |
I read about the wise people from the East in the Gospel of Matthew,
I wonder how they kept focus, rather than so easily giving up on it
all. The sky is a beautiful, immense, incredible thing, but life
happens; we get busy. We forget that great expanse above us and stop
paying attention to God's wonders. In ways small and large, we just
find it easier to look at the cracks in the sidewalk than to turn our
faces back to the wonders, revelations, and guideposts around us.
Particularly if looking toward that beauty requires us to do
something big and even uncomfortable.
got me to thinking: in the Gospel of Matthew, this story of the wise
men and the star is sparse in detail because it is meant to be
symbolic. There are guesses as to what the star the wise men saw
was, but no definitive historical evidence. Similarly, the wise
people themselves are ambiguous: “The term 'magi' [that is
translated as wise men] suggests [that they are from] Persia, [but]
their practice of astrology indicates Babylon, and the gifts they
bring point to Arabia or the Syrian Desert.”1
The story is filled with ambiguities to get
us thinking, and maybe to put ourselves more easily in the story. As
I wondered how the wise people were impassioned enough to follow the
star, I began to see clues for how I could lift my head and stop
gazing at the sidewalk, and turn instead to wonder. I began to see
how I, and perhaps how all of us, can, like these wise people, keep
my eyes on the sky and my heart in the quest for Christ.
first thing we learn about the wise people is that they are from the
East, a place very different from Israel. That does not help us much
at first glance. We are already living in a place much different from
ancient Israel. But in that simple description, we learn that the
wise people were Gentiles, people who did not worship God as we
understand God. Now we are Gentiles too, but we understand God
through the same lens Jesus' people did, putting us more like the
inhabitants of Jerusalem than the wise people. We too may ask how
could they be so moved by God to go on this incredible journey when
they did not even worship God “properly”? Yet it was they, and
not the religious scholars of the day in Jerusalem, who sought to pay
Jesus homage.
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Presbury's youth group and Project Iman |
course, I am not saying we should all convert to another religion so
we can better understand Christ. Rather, this information reminds us
that there are amazing gifts to be discovered in those who seek a
connection with the living God but may not know the same name for God
that we do.2
When we build relationships with other seekers who are from different
traditions, we are turning our faces toward wonder. Last year, our
church partnered with a Muslim girls youth group, meeting once in the
summer and again in the fall, and it was amazing to see the beauty in
just sharing the journey to understand God rather than trying to
convert one another. We broke bread with them and witnessed their
prayer--- and I saw the wonder on our girls faces. We brought them
into our sanctuary and shared what our worship was like and learned
about their worship experiences. The sky darkened with all our
questions, but strong pinpricks of light shone through as we
fellowshiped together. We began to lift our gaze from our isolation,
focusing only on the ground ahead of us, to see the light of God in
the faces of those around us.
way we can lift our heads to God's wonders that we find in the wise
men in in their learning. We translate the term magi as wise men,
which tells us something. Walter Brueggemann, a preacher and scholar,
refers to these wise people as Eastern intellectuals, and argues that
though they may not have been Jewish, they were familiar with Jewish
scripture like the books of Isaiah and Micah.3
So they kept focus on this star through their thirst for knowledge
and their love of learning. Now, before those of you who are too cool
for school roll your eyes at me, I don't think this love of learning
has to be book learning, though hopefully that book called the bible
is involved. We turn our eyes away from the star to the sidewalk when
we become complacent in what we know. We stop looking up at the
metaphorical stars God sends us because we think we know all we need
to know. Instead, we need to teach one another. We need to read and
share articles and devotionals. We need to share testimonies and
interpretations of scripture. We do this weekly in bible study and in
our contemporary service. Some of our lay servants also participate
in an early morning prayer phone call where they have developed
relationships and deepened their prayer lives together. But it comes
first from a drive to continue learning.

us not only open our eyes to the light, but also let the light within
us shine forth in all we do. For we are not just to be the wise
people, opening our eyes to the wonder of God and the journey on
which God takes us. We are also to be the star.5
So let your light shine!
J. Harrington, “Notes on the Visit of the Magi and the Flight to
Egypt,” Sacra Pagina, Volume 1: The Gospel of Matthew
(Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2007), 42.
Bauman, “Pastoral Perspective on Matthew 2:1-12,” Epiphany of
the Lord, Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common
Lectionary, Year C, Volume 1, eds. David L. Bartlett and Barbara
Brown Taylor (Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press,
2009), 216.
Brueggemann, “Missing by Nine Miles,” Inscribing the Text:
Sermons and Prayers of Walter Brueggeman, ed. Anna Carter
Florence (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2004), 133, as quoted in
Kathryn Mattews Huey, “The Season of Epiphany,” Sermon Seeds:
Inclusive Reflections for Preaching from the United Church of
Christ, Year C (Cleveland, Ohio: The Pilgrim Press, 2012), 38.
paragraph that follows comes from the ideas of fellow member of the
Young Clergy Women's Project, which she describes in blog under the
category “STARward”: Marci Auld Glass,STARward, Glass
Overflowing: The place where Marci blogs about God's abundance,
the Gospel of Matthew discipleship is often likened to a kind of
shining, which recalls the light from the star that shined on the
Christ child. Jesus tells his disciples, “You are the light of the
world....let your light shine before others, so that they may see
your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven”
(5:14,16). That disciples are called to shine is important to
remember in the season of Epiphany, for now that Christ has ascended
and the Spirit has been given, we are the ones through whom this
light shines forth.” William J. Danaher, Jr., “Theological
Perspective on Matthew 2:1-12,” Epiphany of the Lord, Feasting
on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary, Year C, Volume
1, eds. David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor (Louisville,
Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 2009), 216.
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